from the chairman …
Hello all,
I hope this email finds you all well. I will try and keep this short but there are a few things that have popped up over the last few weeks that are worth mentioning. Most importantly we have had a number of instances recently of gates being left open both on the Rosmead and Ladbroke Grove ends, I know this is a recurring issue but the Committee would like to reiterate the fact that these gates do not close by themselves, they will not swing shut if you just walk through them and into the garden, you have to manually close them behind you. We all are hoping for some kinder weather and the opportunity to use the garden and these great freedoms that we are now permitted but it is up to us all to keep the garden safe and the residents secure as well as keeping it in good condition. I do not want to bore everyone with each of the numerous recent incidents but we have a number of strangers wandering around at night asking questions about which residents are on holiday as well as people coming in and using the garden as a sort of fly tip. The Committee is going to put some more visible signs on the gates and look into improving the gate mechanism but please ensure the gate is firmly shut behind you.
A few people have asked me about dogs and or keys recently, could I just remind residents that dogs must be registered to be allowed on to the garden and guest dogs are not allowed. Justin Kennedy is in charge of all things to do with canines and keys and he is in the process of improving the registration process which we hope to have ready in a couple of weeks.
Another controversial subject has been the petrol leaf blower and those that have been irritated by it either on noise or environmental grounds will be very pleased to know that we have 'gone green’ with an electric leaf blower. We would like to encourage those with private gardeners to follow this example as we would like to be as green a garden as we can possibly be.
On more potentially lighter matters the Committee would be keen to have a table tennis table in the garden over the summer on a trial basis. I understand that this may be a somewhat divisive matter but given the bleak recent situation and the likelihood that there will be more limited summer holidaying this year and therefore greater use of the garden over the summer months we thought it was worth a trial run. Please contact me if you fell especially strongly about it or indeed where it should or should not go.
Finally it is looking likely that we will be moving cautiously but irreversibly forward towards a garden party this year on 3rd July. Hopefully the roadmap will proceed as laid out and as many people on the garden will be available to attend as possible. Lizzie Tuckey will be the point person for this major social event. If you have any suggestions on what has worked well in the past or new ideas please feel free to share with her.
Sorry it has dragged on